


+39 3389722977


Road Foglino, 1126, 04100 Acciarella, Latina

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Thursday, 3 February at 20:30 at the restaurant Luna e l'altra at the Casa internazionale delle donne in via della Lungara 19, Rome- with entrance on Via Francesco di Sales; women entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs RHEA SILVIA engage in a new adventure.

The proposal is to dinners inspired by season or theme dinners to products. The first precisely the 3 February To start this new project we look forward to your reservation. We are waiting and curious of our menus.

The cost of 25 Euro will offer you a variety where from appetizer to dessert will be featured products of our companies. From pasta,with vegetables, legumes,from meat to cheese, from fruit to sweets ,from oil to vino de I Pàmpini.

Each flavor will have your signature ,the explanation of its producer,his producer,who will tell the story.

Book now to ensure you have one of the first 50 seats available.

To do so the numbers are:

  • Secretariat of the Home 06 68401720
  • Gianna Silla restaurant manager 338 7965049
  • Bruno Ababio 3358214059
  • Paola Ortensi 3338093531

See you at dinner!